Hello everyone! My name is Kay. I grew up in Japan, but I have family in the United States. I have a State Early Childhood Education Certificate from Washington State and a Child Advocacy Certificate as well. My teaching philosophy is that children learn best through play in a safe and gentle environment. The physical and emotional wellbeing of every child is my priority. Quality early care and education helps a child develop self-confidence and healthy attachments. I feel lucky to be able to work with children and help them explore themselves and learn about the world!

Rachel teacher
Hello everyone at ISK! My name is Rachael. I am from America and moved to Japan in 2015. I have a husband and my daughter was born in 2018. I graduated from Evangel University in 2015 and received a degree in Music. I have enjoyed living in Japan and working as a pre-school/nursery teacher. I have spent almost 5 years working in International Kindergartners in Tokyo and now I am thankful I get to work closer to home and still do the job I love. Getting to work with little ones everyday as my career has been the best! Thank you for letting me care for your children and teach them everyday. Every student is amazing and I love each student whole-heartedly! I look forward to getting to know each student and parent more and more! Let’s have fun learning and growing as people together!

Joy teacher
Hi there, my name is Joy and I'm from the Philippines too! I have always loved being with kids, just to see them smile,laugh and learn makes my heart full of joy. It is a privilege to be a part of ISK Academy, and I'm grateful that I get to work with such wonderful people and children. I am just not teaching these children, but I am also learning a lot from them. "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it. -Prov 22:6"

Tomoyo teacher
初めまして!Tomoyoです^ ^
成田空港や東京のプリスクールで働いた経験を活かして、子供たちに世界に羽ばたくことの楽しさを教えられたらと思います^ ^

Rona teacher
こんにちは! 私はハッピーで楽しいことが大好きなフィリピンから来たRonaです。日本人と結婚し、息子に恵まれました。 先生になって小さな子供たちに囲まれるのが夢だったので、ISK Kids Academyで働くことで私の夢が叶いました。私のモットーは、「自分の子供のように接する」です。 楽しく学びましょう! :)
Hello!Everybody calls me Rona Teacher at work. I am a fun-loving, happy person from the Philippines.Married to a Japanese and blessed with a son. Since I dream of becoming a teacher and loves being sorrounded with little children, working in ISK International Kids Academy is a dream come true to me. And my motto is , “Treat them as your own and you’ll never go wrong”. Happy learning! :)

Mariko teacher
Hello! My name is Mariko. I'm from Philippines. I believe that a teacher plays a big part in children's growth. For they will have it in their mind and heart for the rest of their lives. Hence the reason why a teacher needs to teach lesson effectively while giving them lots of love at the same time! That is why I love ISK Kids International School. Because one of the things we value is the relationship of the kids and teachers. My hobbies are music, reading, and making crafts.

Celia teacher
I hope you're having a good day! Hello! I'm Celia from Bohol, Philippines. I'm so excited to meet everyone! We are are going to have a fabulous year full of fun and learning! It may be challenging, but I love being surrounded by young learners. Teaching is a rewarding and fulfilling profession for me. Because children have a great deal of love, respect, and admiration for their teacher. This is why I love working as a nursery teacher.